Red Sun Academy

Red Sun Academy

School  of  Martial Arts


Every Sunday Evening


9950 Durant Rd.


Separate from our regular Jo Kwon Chi classes, Tai Chi is a more gentle approach to the martial arts.  It is geared for stress reduction, balance, and relaxation.  There are also martial applicationss that we teach.

The ancient art of Tai Chi claims many health benefits:

Increases circulation

Reduces stress

Tones muscles

Channels positive energy

Don't feel that you're

too old or out of shape.

The moves are similar to

swimming in air.

No brute force is ever used.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU to My Past Teachers:

Frank Wong,

the late Blackwell Brogden,

and currently  Jim Cross

for showing me the way.

  Frank Wong, student of Cheng Man-Ch'ing

the late Blackwell Brogden

  and currently, Jim Cross


Honor through the Martial Arts